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更新时间:2024-04-23 20:10:07



  If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden.如果您想散步,可以去花园。 There is a recreation center on the ground floor.在一楼有个娱乐中心。 You can play billiards, table tennis, bridge, and go bowling. 您可以去打打台球、乒乓球、桥牌和保龄球。 Is there a place where we can listen to some music?有听音乐的地方吗? There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, and modern music, while having some Chinese tea or othersoft drinks.有个音乐茶座,您可以一边欣赏古典音乐,如贝多芬、莫扎特、李斯特的乐曲和现代音乐,一边品尝中国茶和软饮料。 美联英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入英语询问地点的情景中吧。

  G: Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves? 旅馆里有什么娱乐场所吗? R: If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden. 如果你想散步,可以去花园。 G:That sounds good, but is that the only place to go? 听起来不错,是罕有的的去处吗? R: No, sir. There is a recreation center on the ground floor. You can play billiards, table tennis, bridge, and go bowling. 不,先生。在一楼有一个娱乐中心,你可以打台球、乒乓球、桥牌和保龄球。 G: Is there a place where we can listen to some music? 有一个我们可以听音乐的地方吗? R: Yes, sir. There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, and modern music, while having some Chinese tea or other soft drinks. 是的,先生。有一个音乐茶座,您可以在那里一边欣赏古典音乐如贝多芬、莫扎特、李斯特的乐曲和现代音乐,一边品中国茶或喝饮料。 G: Oh, great!Thank you very much. 哦,太好了!非常感谢你。 R: Its a pleasure. 不客气。

上一篇: 旅游实用英语 下一篇: 酒店处理投诉方法