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更新时间:2024-04-20 23:41:48


  Volleyball is my favorite sport. Whats yours? 排球是我喜欢的运动.你喜欢的运动是什么?

  What do you do for recreation? Do you like jogging? 你通常做什么娱乐运动?你喜欢慢跑吗?

  When you played football,what position did you play? 你踢足球时踢的是什么位置?

  Would you be interested in going to the horseraces tomprrow? 明天你有兴趣去看赛马嘛?

  Whats your favorite sport? 你喜欢什么运动?

  How many years have you been playing Ping-Pong? 你打乒乓球多少年了?

  Could you give me some tips as to how to keep fit? 你能给我一些关于如何保持身体健康的建议吗?

  What are the other teams in the ACC conference? 在ACC联盟里的其他队伍是什么?


  Last night we went to a football match. it was soexciting. 昨晚我们去看了一场足球比赛,太激动人心了。

  I like running and swimming, but I dont like hunting.


  This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout.We played table tennis. 今天下午我们到体育馆练习了,我们打乒乓球了。

  My muscles are sore from lifting weights. 我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。

  My cousin is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的表弟是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。

  I went camping with my friends last Sunday. We bought a new tent. 上星期天我和朋友一起去露营了,我们买了一副新帐篷。

  My brother loves climbing. He belongs to a climbing club. 我弟弟很爱登山。他是登山俱乐部的成员。


  Sndy: Oh,the Spring Track and Field Meet will be held a month from now. Have you entered for any events? Jimmy: Yes, the broad jump and disc throwing. Im good at them. The school records of these two games were set up by me last year. I hope I can break them this time. What about you? I know youre good at running. S: Yes,I like running. Ive signed up for the 100 meter dash and the 800 meter race. Besides. Ive been asked to run in the 400 meter relay.I have planned to take part in the 5,000 meter long distance run as I have good endurance,you know. But theres a limit to the number of games one can sign up for, so I have to give it up. J: What a pity! But Im sure youII win honors for your class in the above games as well.

  Sndy:啊,还有一个月就要开春季田径运动会了,你报了什么项目吗? Jimmy:报了跳远和扔铁饼,这是我的强项。去年我创了这两项的学校记录,希望这次能破记录。你呢?我知道擅长跑步。 S:对。我报了400米和800米,除了这些,他们还要我跑400米接力。我原来还打算参加5000米长跑,你知道我耐力很好;但每个人只限报几个项目,所以我不得不放弃了。 J:很遗憾!不过我相信就凭你上面报的那些项目,你也能为你们班争得荣誉的。

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