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更新时间:2024-04-20 20:22:49

  常用例句 May I have four tickets for this evening? 买四张今晚的票好吗?

  Are there any good seats left? 还有好位子吗?

  Have you got anything better? 有更好的票吗?

  Would you like the third row in the circle? 楼厅第三排你要吗?

  Whats it rated? 这部电影是属于哪一级的?

  What kind of movie is it? A romantic comedy? 那部电影是属于哪一类的?是浪漫喜剧吗?

  Who do you think is going to win the Oscar Award for Best Actor this year? 你觉得今年谁会点得奥斯卡男主角奖?

  Who is in it? 这部电影里都有谁啊?

  I Do you remember the line by Mel Gibson in Brave heart? 你记得在《英雄本色》里梅尔吉勃逊的那一句台词吗?

  I cant say much for that play. 我觉得这出戏不怎么样。

  The plot is quite simple,but it has got a great theme. 情节很简单,但主题很深刻。

  It didnt seem to have any meaning. 这出剧似乎没什么意义。

  I heard thatThe Piano is pretty good. 我听说《钢琴课》这部电影相当不错。

  I burst into laughter. 我放声大笑。


  对话范例 Lin:How about going to see a movie today? Mary: Thats a good idea. Whats on tonight? L: Which do you prefer, Chinese pictures or foreign ones? M:Im a movie fan. I prefer foreign films,especially literary ones,such as Gone with the Wind andThe Red and Black. L: They are old but wonderful films. I like them too. M: What do you think of the actress and actor in .Gone withthe Win了? L: What an excellent pair I M: Yes,I think so too. L: By the way, have you heard that Hollywood wants to make a secondGone with the Wind? M: Yes,I heard the news on TV. L: Have they found a good new pair? M:Idont know. L: I think they will. M: Well,I am looking forward to seeing this film.

  Lin:今天去看电影怎样? Mary:好啊,今天晚上演什么? L:你想看什么,中国的还是外国的? M:我是个影迷,我更喜欢外国片子,特别是文艺片,例如乱世佳人、红与黑。 L:他们都是老片子,但都很经典。我也喜欢他们。 M:你认为乱世佳人中的男演员和女演员怎么样? L:他们太般配了! M:是呀,我也这样认为。 L:顺便问一下,你听说好莱坞想要重拍乱世佳人了吗? M:是的,我在电视上看到这则消息了。 L:他们有没有找到一对这么般配的呀? M:我不知道。 L:我想他们会找到的。 M:是呀,我期待着看这部电影。