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更新时间:2024-04-19 23:11:36


  The spring breeze blows, the sky is clear, the annual Qingming Festival is here again, our school has three days off. My father took me to the grave. All the people who died in our family were buried in our Beishan Mountain, which is far away from my home and a long way to go.


  I remember when I was a child, my father took me to the grave on the Qingming Festival every year. Im always happy to go to the grave, because when Dad burns paper money in front of the grave, he cant care about me, so I play everywhere until dad comes to me. I dont know when to start, I go to the grave no longer play and make trouble, but one by one to observe each grave.


  I cant wait to go to the grave with my father when I have prepared all the sacrificial articles. In the middle of the road, I suddenly had a question: why is Qingming going to the grave? So I asked my father, and he kept on saying, April 5 is the traditional Qingming Festival in China, which started in the Zhou Dynasty. It has a history of more than 25000 years. Qingming was a very important solar term at the beginning. When Qingming arrived, the temperature increased, which is a good time for spring ploughing and planting, so there are before and after Qingming, planting melons and beans , planting trees and afforestation, no better than Qingming . The peasant proverb. But there is also a custom on Qingming Festival. On the day of Qingming, there are no fireworks and only cold food. My father paused and then said, on the one hand, the tomb of Qingming Festival remembers the deceased family members, on the other hand, sacrifices to ancestors, hoping that ancestors can protect the happiness and health of future generations of the family.


  I saw the situation of people going to the grave and supporting the old and the young. Looking at it, my father called me again. After a while, we went home. I feel very tired. However, although I am tired, I am very happy to learn the knowledge and express the memory and respect for my ancestors with my own actions. I think it must be very meaningful. You must have gone to the grave, right? May as well tell us the process of your going to the grave.