查英语 >英语作文 >英语日记 >英语日记700字带翻译:考试那天


更新时间:2024-04-23 14:15:44


  Examination, the teachers magic weapon; points points points, the lifeblood of students. Thats quite true. If I pass the exam, my lifeblood will be saved. If I cant do well in the exam, then I will have good fruit to eat - accept my mothers Tang Monk like tight hoop curse. No, Miss Wang, who teaches mathematics, is using her magic weapon again - unit test for us.


  When the papers were distributed, the students all bowed their heads and entered the crazy answer mode. Of course, Im no exception.


  With the passage of time, I only had the last mathematical problem on the test paper: a, B, C three numbers, the average number of a and B is 93, the average number of a and C is 87, the average number of C and B is 80, how many are a, B, C respectively? My little brain melon is running at full speed, but I cant think of a way. But I remember vaguely that there is a similar problem in the math textbook. At this time, my devil bad angel jumped out: copy it, copy you can get a high score. With a high score, your mother wont read you a tight hoop mantra. Can you stand your mothers noise punishment Yes, points and points, the lifeblood of students. First, keep the lifeblood! I looked around and saw that all the students were seriously answering questions and the teacher was thinking about something with his head down in the distance - what a great opportunity! I opened the math textbook in the hole of the table with the speed of thunder, and drew it out. Ha! Sure enough, I succeeded in solving that problem according to the method in the textbook. However, my good angel went online: did you learn the text of lesson 5 lottery day in vain? Be honest! Yes, what should I do?


  Jingling bell... In this emergency, I resolutely crossed out the answer! Because be honest!


  As the mother of lottery day said: as long as a person lives honestly and has credit, he will have a lot of wealth. Yes, the moment when I crossed out the answers on the exam day was my richest moment! Honesty is my real life!