查英语 >英语作文 >小学英语作文 >关于国庆节小学一年级英语作文200字带翻译篇2


更新时间:2024-04-20 01:51:59


  Before the national day, we went to the playground to attend the flag raising ceremony. The students are wearing bright red scarf and neat school uniform, waiting for the start of the flag raising ceremony.


  8: The flag raising ceremony began. There are three flag protectors holding the national flag. After a circle around the playground, they will give it to the young pioneers on the flag platform. The national anthem was played on the playground. Everyone was solemn and solemn. The students and teachers paid attention to each other. I watched the national flag rising and sang the National Anthem silently, hoping that our country would be more prosperous and strong.


  After the flag raising ceremony, we followed the teachers instructions and went back to our classroom. Todays flag raising ceremony is unforgettable.