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更新时间:2024-04-26 19:08:46

  常用句子 I May I suggest camping in the country? 我建议我们去郊外宿营,好吗?

  Shall we have time for an outing? 我们有时间去远足吗?

  Can you recommend a place for us to go camping? 能给我们介绍个宿营的好地方吗?

  Is it possible for us to go camping there for just two days? 两天的时间宿营能玩得过来吗?

  When are you going on vacation? 你什么时候开始度假?

  Are you going to take your children along? 你要带孩子一起去吗?

  Where do you plan to go this winter? 今年冬天你去哪儿?

  Where will you go on your vacation? 你假期去哪儿?

  What did you do last vacation? 你上个假期干了什么?


  对话范例 Doris: My doctor says I neeed an outside. interest to get my mind off my work. Can, you suggest a hobby? Gary: Yes,I can suggest a hobby. Stamp collecting might be fun,but you dont want a hobby that requires a lot of money, do you? D: No,I dont want to spend much money on that. I just want an avocation that is relaxing and enjoyable. Do you think playing a musical instrument would be interesting? G: Yes. But when you play the piano or the violin,usually yous till stay indoors. How about sports? D: Yes,I am interested in sports. I want something I can do on weekends. Do you think golf or tennis would take my mind off my job? G: Yes,I think they would. Golf and tennis are very enjoyable,but they can be tiring. 0: Yes. And I get very tired after work. Why not go fishing? Its relaxing and not tiring. G: I agree its a good idea.

  Doris:医生说我需要一项户外活动,把注意力从工作中移开。你可以给我一些建议吗? Gary:可以,我可以给你一些建议。集邮可能有趣,但你并不想花很多钱在爱好上,对吗? D:是的,我不想花很多钱在那上面。我只想要一个放松的让人愉快的爱好。你觉得玩乐器好吗? G:好。但是当你弹钢琴或拉小提琴时,通常还是会待在家里。运动怎么样? D:是的,我喜欢运动。我想做一些可以在周末进行的运动。你觉得高尔夫和网球会让我的注意力从工作上转移吗? G:是的,我想会。高尔夫和网球让人愉快,但也让人很累。 D:是的,而且我下班后已经很累了。为什么不去钓鱼呢?既休闲又不累人。 G:我同意,是个好主意。

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