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更新时间:2024-04-24 02:22:27


  You two dont have much contact? 你们俩没怎么联系吗?

  Lets be friends,Ok? 让我们做朋友吧?

  Hows your friend Tom doing? 你朋友Tom怎么样?

  Dont you think Tom is a little sensitive? 你不认为Tom有点太敏感了吗?

  Shall we call Mr. Brown since his video is really too noisy? 我们是不是该给Brown先生打电话?他们家的录像机太吵了。

  Im so lucky to have a friend like you. 我是幸运,有你这样一位朋友。

  A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

  We should try to be in touch more. 我们应该联系多点。

  They are all very friendly to me. 他们对我都很友善。

  They all know each other pretty well. 他们彼此都相当了解。



  Mark: Raul,come with me and III introduce you to a few people. Raul: OK. Mark: Have you met Lucy? Lucy: Yes,weve already met. Mark: OK,in that case,meet Sam. Sam and I were at college together. Sam,this is Raul. Rauls a mate of mine from Spain. Sam: Hi, Raul. I was just having a word with Emma. Do you know Emma,Marks sister Emma...Raul. Raul: Yes,we met at the airport. Hi,Emma!

  Mark:劳尔,跟我来,我介绍几位朋友给你。 Raul:好的。 Mark:你见过露西了吗? Lucy:是的,我们已经认识了。 Mark:那好,既然如此,见见萨姆吧。他和我是大学同学。萨姆,这位是劳尔,来自西班牙,我的同事。 Sam:嗨,劳尔。我正跟埃玛聊天呢。认识埃玛?马克的姐姐。埃玛劳尔。 Raul:对了,我们在机场见过面的。嗨,埃玛!

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